In October 2023, students from Wuwei No.1 High School participated in the inlingua iSpeak Virtual Speech Contest and inlingua Emerging Writers Challenge jointly organized by the inlingua School of Languages Singapore and C Win. 12 Year 1 students took part in the iSpeak Contest, while 12 students took part in the Writers Challenge.
Both events helped the students improve their English competencies and gain exposure to such international events.
The award ceremony was held on 4th December, and the winners and participants were presented with the Certificates of Achievement and Participation.
2023年10月,由新加坡华盛教育中心与新加坡英林阁语言学校(Inlingua School of Languages)共同举办的Inlingua Emerging Writers Challenge《英林阁Emerging Writers Challenge写作比赛》与Inlingua iSpeak Virtual Speech Contest《英林阁iSpeak演讲比赛》结果揭晓。此次的两项比赛面向无为一中国际部高一与高二年级,各年级参赛选手有12人。高一年级鲁子安与范素娟同学再演讲比赛分别获得了冠军和季军,而高二年级邢怡文同学则获得了写作比赛亚军;其他同学也分别获得参赛证书。